theonuc2011 : Annual meeting of French nuclear theory
The goal of this meeting is to gather scientists from French laboratories working in theoretical nuclear physics and related areas. PhD students, postdocs and more senior scientists are invited to present their ongoing research.
15-16 Nov 2011 Paris (France)
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Scientific Program
Tue. 15
Wed. 16
Tue. 15
Wed. 16
Welcome coffee
9:30 - 10:00 (30min)
Welcome coffee
Nuclear Physics
10:00 - 12:20 (2h20)
Nuclear Physics
Amphithéâtre Fabry Pérot
Herve Molique (IPHC Strasbourg)
Nuclear structure and reaction at SPIRAL 2
- Lewitowicz M., GANIL
10:00-11:00 (1h)
'Boltzmann-Langevin-One-Body': fluctuations and fragment formation in dissipative nucleon-nucleon collisions
- Paolo Napolitani, Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay
11:00-11:20 (20min)
Monopole oscillations in light nuclei with a molecular dynamics approach
- Karim Hasnaoui, Florida State University
11:20-11:40 (20min)
Impact of collective states on direct pre-equilibrium emission
- Marc Dupuis, CEA-DAM-DIF
11:40-12:00 (20min)
Polarization effects in elastic proton-electron scattering
- Alaa Dbeyssi, Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay
12:00-12:20 (20min)
Lunch (not organized)
12:20 - 14:00 (1h40)
Lunch (not organized)
Nuclear Physics
Coffee break
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Nuclear Physics
Amphithéâtre Fabry Pérot
Stéphane Peigné (SUBATECH, Nantes)
Nucleon structure from Lattice QCD
- Meyer H., Universite de Mainz
14:00-15:00 (1h)
Regularization and renormalization in nuclear matter with zero-range effective interactions.
- moghrabi kassem, Institute de Physique Nucléaire - Orsay
15:00-15:20 (20min)
15:20 - 15:50 (30min)
Coffee break
Nuclear Physics
15:50 - 17:30 (1h40)
Nuclear Physics
Amphithéâtre Fabry Pérot
Stéphane Peigné (SUBATECH, Nantes)
Multi-reference energy density functional calculations for odd mass nuclei
- Benjamin Bally, CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan
15:50-16:10 (20min)
Effective interactions for nuclear structure calculations
- Angelo Signoracci, CEA Saclay, Centre de Saclay, IRFU/Service de Physique Nucleaire, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
16:10-16:30 (20min)
RPA correction to the optical potential
- Guillaume Blanchon, CEA-DAM-DIF
16:30-16:50 (20min)
Quantitative Implication of the New Empirical Isospin Non-Conserving Hamiltonian on Superallowed Fermi 0+ -> 0+ beta-Decay
- Yh Lam
16:50-17:10 (20min)
Nuclear Physics
8:30 - 10:10 (1h40)
Nuclear Physics
Amphithéâtre Fabry Pérot
Héloïse Goutte (GANIL, Caen)
Clustering in light nuclei
- Descouvemont P., Universite Libre de Bruxelles
08:30-09:30 (1h)
Equilibration thermique dans les collisions d'ions lourds
- Francois Gelis, Institut de Physique Théorique (ex SPhT)
09:30-09:50 (20min)
Pairing correlations and isospin mixing within the 'Highly Truncated Diagonalization Approach'
- Julien Le Bloas, CEA-DAM-DIF
09:50-10:10 (20min)
Coffee break
10:10 - 10:40 (30min)
Coffee break
Nuclear Physics
10:40 - 12:20 (1h40)
Nuclear Physics
Amphithéâtre Fabry Pérot
Héloïse Goutte (GANIL, Caen)
A New Quantum Monte Carlo Method for the Nuclear Shell Model
- Jérémy Bonnard, Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen
10:40-11:00 (20min)
Projection of cranked HFB states using Skyrme functionals
- Avez Benoit, Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan
11:00-11:20 (20min)
Low-lying dipole response within the second RPA in $^{40,48}$Ca nuclei
- Danilo Gambacurta, Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds
11:20-11:40 (20min)
La structure électromagnétique du nucléon: avancées récentes
- Egle Tomasi, Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l'Univers
11:40-12:00 (20min)
Etats rotationnels hyperdéformés dans les noyaux légers
- Guy Royer, Laboratoire Subatech
12:00-12:20 (20min)
Lunch (not organized)
12:20 - 14:00 (1h40)
Lunch (not organized)
Nuclear Physics
14:00 - 15:00 (1h)
Nuclear Physics
Amphithéâtre Fabry Pérot
Marcella Grasso (IPN, Orsay)
Constraints on the nuclear energy density functional and new possible analytical forms
- Jérémy Sadoudi, CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan
14:00-14:20 (20min)
Description microscopique de la fission nucléaire
- Dubray N., Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
14:20-14:40 (20min)
Application of Linear Response Theory to detect instabilities in Skyrme functionals.
- Alessandro Pastore, Universite Lyon 1
14:40-15:00 (20min)
Coffee break
15:00 - 15:30 (30min)
Coffee break
Nuclear Physics
15:30 - 17:30 (2h)
Nuclear Physics
Amphithéâtre Fabry Pérot
Michael Bender (CENBG, Bordeaux)
The European Theory Initiative for Physics in Exotic Nuclei
- Ploszajczak Marek, Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds
15:30-15:50 (20min)
Assemblee generale
- Bureau et participants
16:00-17:30 (1h30)
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